It was defined before that Turks have used their comics to make nationalist and Ottoman propaganda to children.

This kind pictures have drawn by nationalist propagandist artists and these are used on their schools to make them Ottomanist. They have seen their ancestors with these artists and they learned that their flag has been born with pure race Ottomans, because there was no Christians lived in Ottoman Empire.

But, they can’t be original as it was defined by ourselves and they did only capable to copy.

Zorro was Turk, Tom was Ottoman, cowboys were Turk
Fishing Ottoman

As it was defined before, Turkish mentality has merged cowboys as their ancestors. Here the examples of Ottomanists:

Did Ottoman cowboys were smoking Marlboro?
Ottomans are everywhere and they have found America before Christians!
Their idol Fatih and cowboys!
Even Selahaddin Eyyubi can be cowboy for Turkish mentality
Turks can be cowboy
Carole André — Sandokan
Barbara Bach and Giuliano Gemma
Claudia Cardinale
Dustin Hoffman — Maraton Man
James Stewart — Winchester ‘73
Charles Branson — Chatos Land
Giuliano Gemma — Un Dollaro Bucato
James Stewart — Firecreek
James Dean — Giant



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