As it was described before, there are different capabilities of Turks.

The covers of Teksas of Ceylan publishing is aesthetically valuable. Why? Look at the symbol of beneath of the left cover. What is that? It is symbol of Casa editrice dardo. So, Turks have copied of Italian covers that was made by inspired and Turkish fans of this fumetti don’t know of this reality.

Italian fumetti — Turkish copy — Italian western
Adriano Celentano
Pierre Brice
Fernando Sancho-Réquiem para el gringo
Alain Delon
The Turkish mixture of Lee van Cleef and Eli Wallach
Hardy Krüger- Potato Fritz
The mustache…The art of Turk…
The inscription belongs to Italians, Turks just copied Capitan Mike cover
Henry Fonda — How the West Was Won



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