The roots of neo-Ottomanist perspective during invasion of Cyprus

5 min readAug 13, 2020


After the collapse of fascism and nazism, Turks have covered, their masked real racist faces by being compatible with aims American’s.

Turks or Sunni Muslim majority in Turkey have thought that Ottoman Empire that is caused of their imagination will revive.

If they have got power somehow, they would have used to occupation of lands where thought as their own.

Turks whose used Germans before American have got importance against to Russians since real Ottoman times. Neither Germans nor Americans didn’t pay enough attention to understand the mentality of Turks. Therefore Turks have been made Armenian Genocide with Kurds while silence of Germans and Turks have massacred Alevis and invasion of Cyprus with silence of Americans.

The people of Cyprus were against to British occupation forces and the people of Cyprus(Turks+Alevis+Greeks…)who against to British on island had been killing by British backed Turkish paramilitary nationalist. Their excuse about killing was they were traitors or communist and it is very astounding that Greek coup forces were defined the people of Cyprus as reds(communists)while bombing the presidential palace and trying to kill to Makarios III.

The leader of Turks on island was a British grey wolf, Turks whose compatible with aims of Britain have brought from Turkey to Cyprus, in occupied places Christian structures have converted to Turk temples(Not mosque. Turks can only made converting as they have done since Ottoman times.) or Christian headstones have been broken or made empty shrines to make Ottomanic roots because The State of Ottoman was only consisted of Sunni Turks in their mentality and Britains have established a moderated Sunni centered, alleged, Islamic base with invasion of Turks on the island. Islamic terrorist organizations, especially Chechen organizations, financed with help of Britains and Turks and Americans.

This was not Hercules Unchained, this is Ottoman — this is Turk in Turkish mentality
Ottomans are coming again and Ottomans are in Cyprus…

Turks have capability of copying original ones. For example Battalgazi…movie series was one of their nationalist movies and the main theme of its was copy of Miklós Rózsa’s El Cid movie them like John Barry’s The Lion in Winter theme, without vocable of course.

The name of Turkish movie is Cyprus Volcano, but it is just a copy. I think Britains have not taught to Turks of the true meaning of exploitation

The militarism have been made propaganda with French soldiers suits why because Turks can’t understand.

Before American effects, Turks have been continued Nazi propaganda posters on their book covers:

even in 1974 because Turks have two faced as it was written

Turks have used American covers or posters on their invasion posters to show their masters they are fighting with communism and they will take half control of Cyprus as it way of they were agreement.

and Kissinger was smiling to Turks…

Because Turks very useful instrument to drive on to frontline instead of their own soldiers and Americans had been knowing that Turks as clever as a commando if made properly propaganda. Therefore comics were the key instrument as it was defiend before.

However, the boot passion of Turks was about communism or nationalism(combination of fascism, militarism and racism) that representing of the other face of Turks and Americans were known their character, but not as much as Germans.

This is not only one example. For example, half-naked male high school students have been forced to do some nationalist movements like it was before in Soviet Russia. The only differences Russians have not used American flags on their ceremony.

Turks who changing clothes by the wind are in Bellapais Abbey with all their cultural behaviour. And let’s not forget that Turks whose would be able to dance if Russians buy their tomatoes were partner of Americans.

and this woman who is famous Turkish actress have gone to occupied area of Cyprus with Ediz Hun like Marilyn Monroe in Korea, not Jane Fonda in Vietnam.

Months before occupation this woman, who is not Raquel Welch or Sophia Loren, and Ediz Hun have received award in May, 1974.

Turks can only destroy cultural elements or fighting therefore their army is glorious for themselves.

This shameless uncultured nation can be copy the things belong to American army that make it glorious, because they have nothing that make themselves glorious except fighting with order.

and they also can use this things to show themselves not invaders, but dove of peace. However they have two face, wild wolf is one of them.

They have used the name of mujahideen

Turks have written this on their newspaper: Greek prisoners are in a daze in the face of humanistic behavior shown

Don’t forget that this is humanistic behavior of Turks…

Don’t forget that this is humanistic behavior of Turks like it has been done in Armenian Genocide, Alevi — Shiite massacres since Dersim…Britains and Americans, don’t forget this picture…



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